Peintre et dessinateur surréaliste.
Mehmet AYDOGDU est né en 1958 à Karaman en Turquie, arrivé enfant en Belgique, il a étudié à l'Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts et à l'Institut Supérieur des Beaux-Arts St-Luc de Liège, où il vit et travaille encore. Après avoir habité Glain, Outremeuse et Bressoux, il habite aujourd'hui le quartier de Sainte-Margierite depuis plus de 20 ans et possède la double nationalité, turque et belge.
Depuis 1976, l'année de sa première exposition, Mehmet AYDOGDU a réalisé septante et une expositions personnelles et près de deux cents expositions d'ensemble dans des galeries, centres d'arts contemporains et musées à travers le monde, principalement en Belgique, en France, aux Pays-Bas, en Allemagne, à Chypre, en Turquie, au Japon, en Grèce, en Bosnie i Hercegovine et aux Etats-Unis d'Amèrique.
"Lancé sur la piste des surréalistes, Mehmet AYDOGDU, ouvre sa réflexion à l'univers tout entier. Sa peinture est un véritable laboratoire d'idées poétiques, on y retrouve des traces du temps et de l'espace, à la recherche du mystère des éléments. "Tout existe dans son oeuvre par évidence, naturellement. Sortes de poêmes énigmatiques empreints d'onirisme, ses oeuvres nous poussent à réflechir sur la condition humaine, sur la vie et la mort, sur l'infini. Peintre de l'homme ou plutôt de l'humanité, où vie et mort se confondent en dehors de toute référence au quotidien ou à l'anecdotique. Peintre du paysage ou plutôt de l'espace dans son immensité. Peintre de la réalité ou plutôt d'un questionnement sur l'image du réel, mais aussi peintre du rêve. Et ces questions nous sont proposées par des signes, des traces, des reflets, des images traversant le TEMPS" écrit Françoise SAFIN, conservatrice de MAMAC - Musée d'Art Moderne et d'Art Contemporain de la Ville de Liège
Mehmet Aydoğdu was born in 1958 in Karaman. After graduating from secondary school, he attended Alleur State Lycée in Belgium since his family was living there (1970-1973). After studying painting at the Liege Institute of Fine Arts, he attended the Liege Royal Academy of Fine Arts (1977). In 1979, he married Jeanne Elizabeth Therese Dorren and is still living in Belgium. Since 1986 he has opened six one-man shows in Turkey.
Mehmet Aydoğdu has a large family in Karaman. He started to paint when he was five years old. His grandparents influenced his art career. The religious stories his grandmother used to tell him influenced him, and he was very curious about the concepts of man, nature, and God. The concept of woman in his art developed under these circumstances.
His interest and love for painting affected his education. He hardly graduated from secondary school. Before he went to Belgium in 1969, he had been influenced by Jean François Millet’s painting “The Angelus” (1858-1859).
During his first years in Belgium, Aydoğdu had a language problem and could not communicate well with the people around him. His art teacher at the Alleur State Lycée showed him some the work of Salvador Dali and he was influenced by Dali’s surrealistic style. The vastness, blue sky and the figure of burning giraffe brought Aydoğdu to a world of mysterious emotions and enthusiasm. After a few months, he produced his first oil-painting in this style. He won his first prize in a painting competition held by Liege Municipality when he was 17 years old and open his first exhibition when he was 18.
Mehmet Aydoğdu says, “I adopted the surrealistic style because it includes all living things in the world and goes beyond reality. I accept the existence of reality and its inevitable effects and want top carry the present time beyond reality and the world of imagination in a realistic way. I want to convert reality into a surrealistic arid mysterious philosophy.”
Aydoğdu, in an abstract space, uses mathematics, calligraphy, images, dreams, symbols and thoughts in a scientific way and does not abstract figures. The small spheres in his paintings represent science and prolificacy of women. The formulas in his painting represent science in the future. Mehmet Aydoğdu wants his paintings to present space that takes development into consideration. He is interested in Dali’s aesthetics and Miro’s and Tanguy’s space concepts. Besides, he uses the names of his family members in his paintings, which displays his sensitivity. Aydoğdu has read books written by French authors, books about Atatürk and the books by Şahin Şehirlioğlu and has established a relationship between passages taken from these books and his own thoughts and images. He says, he has been especially influenced by Jircea Eliades’s “Death and Love” and Henry Müller’s “Memory Memory.” Mehmet Aydoğdu paints human figures and scientists who want to dominate the stars; he paints humans who have worries about their future. Aydoğdu wants these people to catch the farthest points of the world. He says he paints because he considers the holiness of man. He wants to reach God taking humans into consideration and producing new things for humans.
Mehmet Aydoğdu paints in Brussels. He has been famous in Belgium since 1982. Since 1976, he has held many one-man shows and exhibited in group exhibitions. Some of his paintings are in national, international and private collections.
Mehmet Aydoğdu was included in an anthology “50 Artists of Belgium” published on January 10, 1995. The famous Belgian artists Paul Delvaux and Eugene De Bie have also been included in the anthology. Aydoğdu, a well known surrealist painter in Europe, studied at the Liege Fine Arts Academy. Exhibitions of his work have been displayed in many countries.
The “50 Artists of Belgium” anthology also includes information about 44 Belgian artists, in addition to two artists from France, one from Germany, one from China and one from Poland. Selected works of the artists included in the anthology who work in Belgium were exhibited in Brussels for 15 days after the book was published.
Meanwhile, Mehmet Aydoğdu has also been included in the art dictionary “Two centuries of artists signatures” published for the first time in Belgium. The dictionary is on sale in Belgium, France, The Netherlands and Germany.
Mehmet Aydoğdu is also included in the Dictionnaire Biographique illutre des ARTISTES en BELGIQUE DEPUIS 1830 (Biographies of Belgian Artists Beginning in 1830).
Aydoğdu'yu iyi anlamadığı anlaşılan Belçikalı politikacılar, onu ''entegrasyon modeli'' olarak sunma telaşında; Liege dışındaki Belçikalı Türkler neredeyse varlığından bile habersiz. Etrafına sürekli olumlu enerji yayan, yüzünden gülücüğü hiç eksik olmayan ve çağdaş resmi, interaktif biçimde sunan Aydoğdu, anavatanı Türkiye'den uzakta, evlat edinildiği üvey kenti olarak nitelendirdiği Liege'de yasiyor.
''Tablolar sessiz gibi dursalar bile, siz konuşun onlarla, size yanıt verirler. Sessizlik de bir dildir'' diyerek bizleri tablolarıyla sohbete davet ediyor. ''Mehmet Vous Dit Bonjour'' (Mehmet Size Merhaba Diyor) başlıklı iki yıllık bir projenin devamı olan sergisi, dünyada bir ilk olma özelliği taşıyor. Mehmet Aydoğdu, 1980-2005 yılları arasında yapmış olduğu eserlerinden bir kesit olarak sunulan bu sergi ile eserleri retrospektif (geriye dönük) olarak bir müzede sergilenen ilk Türk sanatçı olma unvanını kazanıyor. Retrospektif sergiler, genellikle sanatçının öldükten sonra, hayatı boyunca yapmış olduğu eserlerinden örneklerin sunulduğu sergilerdir. Ancak Aydoğdu'nun henüz hayattayken 1980'den 2005'e kadar yaptığı eserlerden örneklerin sunulması, sanatçının çalışmalarına verilen değerin simgesi olarak büyük önem taşıyor. Eserleri iki yıl boyunca 3 kıtada, 5 ayrı ülkede 7 defa sergilenecek olan sanatçı Aydoğdu, bu projenin sanatçı olarak yapmış olduğu yolculuğun, gelişmenin neden ve nasıl olduğunu gösteren bir proje olduğunu söylüyor. Ayrıca projede izleyiciye Fransızca ''Merhaba'' diyerek, Türk kökenli Frankofon biri olarak, ''insanın coğrafi olarak yaşadığı yerle oluşturduğu bütünlüğün'' mesajını vermek istediğini belirtiyor. ''Sanatın gerçeği, insanoğlunun yaşam gerçeği ile ilgili olamayabilir. Yaşamda aktif olmak lazım, değiştirip dönüştürmek için de yaşamın içinde olmak gerekir'' diyen Aydoğdu, resminde ''gerçeküstücü'' damgası yemiş, ama yaşamında gerçekçi. ''Sanatçılar dünyanın neresinde olursa olsun sürgünde yaşıyorlar. Onun için de var olan zenginliği ifade edebileceği noktadan uzaklaştırılıp yalnızca atölyelere, galerilere, şimdi bir de müzelere ve çağdaş sanat merkezlerine mahkûm ediliyoruz. Oralar bizim hapishanelerimizdir'' saptamasında bulunan Aydoğdu, hapishane dışına çıkarak yaşamın ta ortasına yerleşti. Liege'de, camide Türklerle Hıristiyanları sanat aracılığıyla buluşturma gibi ilginç projelere de imza attı. Sosyalist Parti'den belediye meclisi üyesi olan Aydoğdu'nun sergisine fazla rağbet etmeseler de Türk toplumuyla sevimli bir iletişimi var. ''Babam her ne kadar avukat veya doktor olmam için ısrar etse de sanat alanında okulda başarılı olmam onları etkiledi. Ama ilk zamanlar zor olmuştu. Kâfirler gibi insan resimleri yapmak, insan yüzlerini aslı gibi yapmak, 'Bu adam kendini Tanrı mı sanıyor' şeklinde yorumlara neden oluyordu. İlk sergimi 17 yaşında açtım. Hiç Türk yoktu sergilerimde, hep Belçikalılar geliyordu. Ne zaman ki Belçikalılar beni anlatmaya başladı, Belçikalı televizyonlarda gösterilince Türkler de beni tanıdı. Bir de Türkiyeli Türkler beni Avrupalı Türklerden daha önce tanıyıp sahiplendi. Bu da ilginç bir durumdur'' diyen ressamı Belçika evlat edinmiş, ama o artık bir dünya sanatçısı. ''Kendi kültürümüzdeki çeşitliliğimiz varken tutup Batı'ya özenme davranışı başarısızlığa götürüyor'' diyecek kadar da özüne bağlı. Başka türlü Anadolu otantikliğini evrensele taşıma başarısına ulaşamazdı zaten. http://www.binfikir.be/news/148/ARTICLE/1346/2007-08-12.html

Mehmet AYDOGDU est né en 1958 à Karaman en Turquie, arrivé enfant en Belgique, il a étudié à l'Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts et à l'Institut Supérieur des Beaux-Arts St-Luc de Liège, où il vit et travaille encore. Après avoir habité Glain, Outremeuse et Bressoux, il habite aujourd'hui le quartier de Sainte-Margierite depuis plus de 20 ans et possède la double nationalité, turque et belge.
Depuis 1976, l'année de sa première exposition, Mehmet AYDOGDU a réalisé septante et une expositions personnelles et près de deux cents expositions d'ensemble dans des galeries, centres d'arts contemporains et musées à travers le monde, principalement en Belgique, en France, aux Pays-Bas, en Allemagne, à Chypre, en Turquie, au Japon, en Grèce, en Bosnie i Hercegovine et aux Etats-Unis d'Amèrique.
"Lancé sur la piste des surréalistes, Mehmet AYDOGDU, ouvre sa réflexion à l'univers tout entier. Sa peinture est un véritable laboratoire d'idées poétiques, on y retrouve des traces du temps et de l'espace, à la recherche du mystère des éléments. "Tout existe dans son oeuvre par évidence, naturellement. Sortes de poêmes énigmatiques empreints d'onirisme, ses oeuvres nous poussent à réflechir sur la condition humaine, sur la vie et la mort, sur l'infini. Peintre de l'homme ou plutôt de l'humanité, où vie et mort se confondent en dehors de toute référence au quotidien ou à l'anecdotique. Peintre du paysage ou plutôt de l'espace dans son immensité. Peintre de la réalité ou plutôt d'un questionnement sur l'image du réel, mais aussi peintre du rêve. Et ces questions nous sont proposées par des signes, des traces, des reflets, des images traversant le TEMPS" écrit Françoise SAFIN, conservatrice de MAMAC - Musée d'Art Moderne et d'Art Contemporain de la Ville de Liège
Mehmet Aydoğdu was born in 1958 in Karaman. After graduating from secondary school, he attended Alleur State Lycée in Belgium since his family was living there (1970-1973). After studying painting at the Liege Institute of Fine Arts, he attended the Liege Royal Academy of Fine Arts (1977). In 1979, he married Jeanne Elizabeth Therese Dorren and is still living in Belgium. Since 1986 he has opened six one-man shows in Turkey.
Mehmet Aydoğdu has a large family in Karaman. He started to paint when he was five years old. His grandparents influenced his art career. The religious stories his grandmother used to tell him influenced him, and he was very curious about the concepts of man, nature, and God. The concept of woman in his art developed under these circumstances.
His interest and love for painting affected his education. He hardly graduated from secondary school. Before he went to Belgium in 1969, he had been influenced by Jean François Millet’s painting “The Angelus” (1858-1859).
During his first years in Belgium, Aydoğdu had a language problem and could not communicate well with the people around him. His art teacher at the Alleur State Lycée showed him some the work of Salvador Dali and he was influenced by Dali’s surrealistic style. The vastness, blue sky and the figure of burning giraffe brought Aydoğdu to a world of mysterious emotions and enthusiasm. After a few months, he produced his first oil-painting in this style. He won his first prize in a painting competition held by Liege Municipality when he was 17 years old and open his first exhibition when he was 18.
Mehmet Aydoğdu says, “I adopted the surrealistic style because it includes all living things in the world and goes beyond reality. I accept the existence of reality and its inevitable effects and want top carry the present time beyond reality and the world of imagination in a realistic way. I want to convert reality into a surrealistic arid mysterious philosophy.”
Aydoğdu, in an abstract space, uses mathematics, calligraphy, images, dreams, symbols and thoughts in a scientific way and does not abstract figures. The small spheres in his paintings represent science and prolificacy of women. The formulas in his painting represent science in the future. Mehmet Aydoğdu wants his paintings to present space that takes development into consideration. He is interested in Dali’s aesthetics and Miro’s and Tanguy’s space concepts. Besides, he uses the names of his family members in his paintings, which displays his sensitivity. Aydoğdu has read books written by French authors, books about Atatürk and the books by Şahin Şehirlioğlu and has established a relationship between passages taken from these books and his own thoughts and images. He says, he has been especially influenced by Jircea Eliades’s “Death and Love” and Henry Müller’s “Memory Memory.” Mehmet Aydoğdu paints human figures and scientists who want to dominate the stars; he paints humans who have worries about their future. Aydoğdu wants these people to catch the farthest points of the world. He says he paints because he considers the holiness of man. He wants to reach God taking humans into consideration and producing new things for humans.
Mehmet Aydoğdu paints in Brussels. He has been famous in Belgium since 1982. Since 1976, he has held many one-man shows and exhibited in group exhibitions. Some of his paintings are in national, international and private collections.
Mehmet Aydoğdu was included in an anthology “50 Artists of Belgium” published on January 10, 1995. The famous Belgian artists Paul Delvaux and Eugene De Bie have also been included in the anthology. Aydoğdu, a well known surrealist painter in Europe, studied at the Liege Fine Arts Academy. Exhibitions of his work have been displayed in many countries.
The “50 Artists of Belgium” anthology also includes information about 44 Belgian artists, in addition to two artists from France, one from Germany, one from China and one from Poland. Selected works of the artists included in the anthology who work in Belgium were exhibited in Brussels for 15 days after the book was published.
Meanwhile, Mehmet Aydoğdu has also been included in the art dictionary “Two centuries of artists signatures” published for the first time in Belgium. The dictionary is on sale in Belgium, France, The Netherlands and Germany.
Mehmet Aydoğdu is also included in the Dictionnaire Biographique illutre des ARTISTES en BELGIQUE DEPUIS 1830 (Biographies of Belgian Artists Beginning in 1830).